Úvod Slovník použitých pojmů

Slovník použitých pojmů

Slovník použitých cizích a odborných slov :

- článkování, členění na určité články, v případě mluvení je to vytváření hlásek a slov mluvidly.

Atak - útok, úder. V případě nemoci je to útok bolesti či jiných příznaků na nemocného.

Autonomní systém - jde např. o selhání společného systému jedince, tedy o vnitřní vliv na změnu zdraví.

Klimaktérium - přechod. Období ženy, kdy klesá produkce ženských hormonů ( hl.estrogenu), jde o proces se spoustou průvodních jevů s nástupem kolem 45-50 ti let života ženy.

Spouštěč - podnět (impuls), který spustí nějakou událost. V případě nemoci - vyvolá její vznik či recidivu.

Stres - funkční stav organismu, který je vystaven náhlým a mimořádným zátěžovým podmínkám, zahrnuje i reakci organismu na daný podnět.

Symptom - projev čí příznak daného onemocnění.

Tenze - napětí nebo tlak způsobený vnějšími či vnitřními vlivy (emocionálními, společenskými, biologickými nebo fyziologickými).

Diskuse (41 komentářů)

Gleichman, (14. 01. 2015 18:19) Reagovat
Some cases happened where home security motion sensor: http://prom.ua/redirect?url=securityhome.cartoonary.com-owners got home and then see that their belongings are stolen; cameras will assist identify who the thieves are. But one with the most efficient ways to do it really is with surveillance cameras or a security alarms camera.Home security trail camera With so many security systems systems available available, it really is just a couple of taking time for it to figure out what the very best system is for your property.That means the answer for the question what probably the most effective home defense method is,can cease answered by choosing first single products.Most homeowners don't realize which the garage opener is one with the most successful home burglary tools used frequently by smart thieves, plus the easiest method to breach security systems.
Dutchover, (20. 01. 2015 02:23) Reagovat
My partner used this bag while he was in college and loved the actual way it kept everything protected, organized, and also at reach.Almost all of those colleges are affiliated underneath the University of Mumbai, with a few of these working within the status of your deemed university.Best pc laptops for college students 2014 It is known for producing good quality laptops for college: http://www.nypdclan.eu/groups/what-you-dont-know-about-laptops-for-college-students-may-shock-you/ laptops in a very reasonable price.Laptop skins can suit practically any laptop, no subject in the event you're making utilization of your PC along with a Mac Book.A company that sells GPS tracking software recently claimed that 1 laptop is stolen every twelve seconds.
Millare, (20. 01. 2015 03:13) Reagovat
With fraxel treatments, a camera was generally known as security cameras direct: http://www.oddcast.com/affiliates/entry/?spdirect=1&affId=75895&promotionId=17691&link=http://securitycamerawifi.com device, which are frequently employed for consolidating the security system of a residence,a company office, or any important place. Sony offers an incredibly user-friendly nanny camera, the Sony SNC-M1W,coming in at $210. Large bay windows can also merit their very own camera in addition to the obvious doors.You can use the auto mode to cycle through the playback quality produced by these three cameras. Here is a directory of ten great options for just 10 cheap 8 GB MP3 players with camera and Wi-Fi connection.
Hageman, (20. 01. 2015 10:30) Reagovat
Such monochrome CCTVs are a fantastic option if using outdoors.When getting a new device like a router or perhaps a DVR, it can be so exciting that you just wish to have all of it quickly connected and ready to use. Xper cctv dvr The brighter side of school life was the cctv Dvr not Working: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/11110660 have also been viewed being an ideal resource tool to recognize and address students with behavioral problems.They also market the Red Alert DVR and the Alpha Defend & Deter 4 channel DVR. Now should you'll excuse me, I have to setup my DVR to record the Super Bowl so I can skip the game, and go straight for the commercials.
Lawanna, (05. 02. 2015 06:11) Reagovat
The pros and cons section can be a feature of each and every good review.Listing the pros is usually easy, as the product creators always attempt to make them clearly visible, but cons are a completely different story.Here is my web site :: doopdip.com: http://wirelessportablebluetoothspeakers.doopdip.com/
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